Healthier Life, Increase Lifespan, Loneliness, Reduce Suicide Risk -

Having a dog can increases your lifespan!

Do you want to live an healthier life? Maybe you should get a dog!

Dog can increase your lifespan 

Photo by Dakota Monk from Burst

"Dogs are the man`s best friend", there is a natural connection between humans and dogs. They are great social animals who thrive for affection and they are eager to create a strong bond with the owner.

Dogs and humans have developed a deep relationship over the millennial becoming part of our families. We play, care with our furry friend and sometimes we refer him as our child.

Dogs have so many health benefits one recent finding shows that he/she can improve our heart health, which is one the main cause death.

Here below we have mentioned few of the health benefits of living with a dog:

  • Longer life span
  • Reduce the adverse effect of loneliness
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Decrease allergies and asthma in children
  • More opportunities to socialize with people

 A lot of studies about pets providing health has been on dog walking. There are other physical activities associated with pet like getting up to feed the pet; make sure having enough pet's food and water, looking after your dog, cleaning after your pet, etc... All these movements reduce the period of inactivity that protect you against health risk.

Pet Water Bottle

Remember, like humans animals needs water to survive and to stay healthy. Click on the pet water bottles to find out more.

From the psychological point of view interact with your pet can reduce stress, also your heart rate and improve your sleep. Medical News Today reported on a study that suggested a positive attitude may increase the lifespan of heart disease patients. A pet can provide a reason to get up in the morning, This is important for people with mental illness, older people and/or with chronic disease.  Feeling needed reduce the suicide risk factor. 

It's important to remember pets are not "objects" but they are living individuals. 

"Pets make life worth living"